OmniOutliner 3.9
OmniOutliner 3.9 introduces Omni Automation actions for Shortcuts, restores support for user fonts, and more. This update requires iOS 14 or later.
- Omni Automation — Added support for triggering Omni Automation scripts and plug-ins from Shortcuts, using the new Omni Automation Script and Omni Automation Plug-In actions.
- User Fonts — Restored support for custom fonts installed by the user.
- Multitasking — Worked around iPadOS 15 bug preventing the on-screen keyboard from appearing for all open documents.
- Subscription Renewal — Fixed some issues which could cause the app to lose track of an active subscription, requiring a fresh Omni Account sign-in each time the subscription renewed. Signing in to an Omni Account should now keep you signed in until you explicitly sign out, remove the app, or change your account password.
- Export Upgrade — Fixed a crash encountered when upgrading from the export dialog.
- Templates — Fixed permission error when trying to save a template to a folder outside of the app’s sandbox.
- Templates — Templates stored in linked resource folders are now available to be applied as a theme.