OmniFocus for Web 2022.01.18

January 18, 2022

Requires web browser with JavaScript and active connection

  • Accessibility — Screen reader support has been improved. Multiple buttons are now correctly labeled the sidebar views are accessible.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — The Esc key discards any edits to a title field.
  • Sidebar — Corrected the size of the + button to be consistent between Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

OmniFocus for Web 2021.09.27

September 27, 2021

Requires web browser with JavaScript and active connection

  • Perspectives — Expansion state of groups is remembered. Additional fixes for new groups to default to expanded in large lists coming soon.

OmniFocus for Web 2021.09.13

September 13, 2021

Requires web browser with JavaScript and active connection

  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Add above — Shift-Return
    • Add inside — Shift-]
    • Add outside — Shift-[
    • Group — G
    • Ungroup — U
    • Move left — Shift-Left arrow
    • Move right — Shift-Right arrow
    • Move up — Shift-Up arrow
    • Move down — Shift-Down arrow
    • Indent — ]
    • Outdent — [
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — Improved Tab key and Up/Down arrow key navigation.
  • Sidebar — Worked around bug in recent Chrome versions to display the + button in the sidebar at the correct size.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — Return/Enter ends editing in the Due Date column of Project rows.

OmniFocus for Web 2021.07.28

July 28, 2021

Requires web browser with JavaScript and active connection

  • Sidebar — Projects, folders, and tags can be rearranged via drag-and-drop in the sidebar.
  • Perspectives — Added a setting to the View menu for the Projects perspective to show folders in the main outline view.

OmniFocus for Web 2021.07.21

July 21, 2021

Requires web browser with JavaScript and active connection

  • Stability — Fixed a crash assigning Tags via Smart Match that contain emojis.