OmniFocus for Mac 4.2

April 8, 2024

Requires macOS 13

OmniFocus 4.2 for Mac

OmniFocus 4.2 introduces new custom perspective rules that let you filter based on dates, repeats, and more. These new perspective rules require OmniFocus 4.2 or later; custom perspectives which use these rules will not be displayed in prior versions of OmniFocus. Custom perspectives require OmniFocus Pro.

  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New “Has date in range” rule type enables filtering a perspective by assigned date range.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New “Is repeating” rule enables filtering repeating tasks.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New “Is project, group, or neither” rule type enables filtering for projects or groups.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New “Is in single actions list” rule type enables filtering for items in single action lists.
  • Omni Automation [Pro] — Omni Automation now supports “Install Links” for simplified Omni Automation plug-in installation.
  • Omni Automation [Pro] — It’s now possible to write a plug-in which changes the filter rules which define the contents of a perspective. See Perspective.Custom.archivedFilterRules.
  • Omni Automation [Pro] — See Automation API Reference Release Notes for additional Omni Automation updates.
  • Localizations — Localization updates.
  • App Icon — In direct downloads of the app, the icon chosen in Appearance Settings will continue to be used in the dock when the app isn’t running.
  • Delete — “Delete” option in Delete confirmation prompt is now default button, allowing for confirmation via keyboard.
  • Inspector — Improved alignment of flag button in Inspector.
  • Inspector Notes — Fixed a bug which could cause notes edited in the Inspector to be written to the wrong row when changing selection.
  • Keyboard — Keyboard focus is now consistently places in the outline when switching perspectives.
  • Outline — Fixed a bug that could cause edits to estimated duration, repeat interval, or review interval to display for incorrect item in outline.
  • Perspective List — The button to add a perspective is no longer offered when using Standard rather than Pro.
  • Perspective Rules [Pro] — Perspective rules correctly describe themselves using restrictive clause phrasing (“that”).
  • Review — Non-functional project disclosure triangles are no longer displayed in Review.
  • Search — Back/forward navigation no longer restores previous search terms in an unexpected manner.
  • Settings — Hooked up the “Learn more…” button in Settings > Layout.
  • Sidebar — Sidebar width is now perserved across app relaunches.
  • Sidebar — Sidebar now resizes as expected when an empty folder is selected.
  • Sync — Improved logic for updating linked encryption passphrase when account password is changed.
  • Trial Mode — Toolbar customizations are now preserved when running in Pro trial mode.
  • Trial Mode — Previously open custom perspective is now preserved across launches when running in Pro trial mode.
  • Stability — Addressed crash on launch that could be encountered after creating a new item.

OmniFocus for Mac 3.15.6

March 8, 2024

Requires macOS 11

OmniFocus 3.15.6 for Mac

  • Announcements — Fixed a bug that could cause Omni announcements to display more than once.

OmniFocus for Mac 4.0.5

January 31, 2024

Requires macOS 13

OmniFocus 4.0.5 Mac

  • Menus — Complete is now available in contextual shortcut menu for action rows.
  • Perspectives Bar — Perspectives Bar now correctly displays favorited perspectives in Trial mode.

OmniFocus for Mac 3.15.5

January 24, 2024

Requires macOS 11

OmniFocus 3.15.5 for Mac

  • Keyboard Shortcuts — Clearing a perspective’s keyboard shortcut no longer sets A as the keyboard shortcut for that perspective.
  • Outline — Fixed a bug that cause some outline content to fail to display after clearing selection on macOS Sonoma.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash incorporating a task from Shortcuts app when the target location contains a trailing “/”.

OmniFocus for Mac 4.0.4

January 10, 2024

Requires macOS 13

OmniFocus 4.0.4 Mac

OmniFocus 4.0.4 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Custom Perspectives — Fixed a bug that blocked setting custom images as custom perspective icons.
  • Menus — Delete keyboard shortcut (command-delete) is now listed in menu bar.
  • Outline — Notes entered in a right-to-left language such as Hebrew or Arabic are now displayed correctly in outline.
  • Purchasing — Improved reliability of upgrade discount eligibility check by automatically registering previously unregistered OmniFocus 3 purchases.
  • Quick Entry — Quick Entry is now customizable in Standard.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash incorporating a task from Shortcuts app when the target location contains a trailing “/”.