OmniFocus for iOS 4.3.2

July 24, 2024

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16, watchOS 9

OmniFocus 4.3.2 for Phone, iPad, and Apple Watch

Our team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we’ve also been fixing some important bugs!

  • Drag & Drop — Adding items to the outline no longer breaks the long-press drag gesture.
  • Forecast — Improved item sorting in Forecast, so items are sorted on selection change or Clean Up whenever Keep Sorted is enabled.
  • Inspector: Title — Fixed a bug editing the title field with a hardware keyboard where the field could lose focus immediately after being tapped unless you tapped on another inspector field first.
  • Inspector: Notes — Fixed a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.
  • Omni Automation — Automation scripts that present forms should no longer run into an error saying “No presenting view controller found.”
  • Stability — Fixed a crash encountered when an building a Spotlight index after conflicting edits deleted an item which had a tag assigned to it on another device.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash sometimes encountered while calculating the location of an item in Forecast.
  • VoiceOver — Fixed a recent regression from the inspector redesign in 4.3 that could cause VoiceOver to get stuck in the top toolbar rather than navigating through the inspector fields.
  • VoiceOver — Made it possible to navigate through search results that return results from outside the current perspective (i.e. when using the “Search Remaining” and “Search Everything” options).

OmniFocus for iOS 3.15.7

July 1, 2024

Requires iOS/iPadOS 14, watchOS 5

OmniFocus 3.15.7

  • OS Compatibility — OmniFocus now presents an informative one-time alert when launched on an unsupported OS.

OmniFocus for iOS 4.3.1

June 24, 2024

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16, watchOS 9

OmniFocus 4.3.1 for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Displayed perspective rules now refresh automatically when changed in another context (such as another window, another device, or through some automation).
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — When a perspective is organized by projects, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Restored ability to cancel out of upgrading legacy custom perspectives.
  • Localization — Restored missing Spanish strings in View Options.
  • Omni Automation [Pro] — Addressed a memory leak that could be triggered by repeatedly running Omni Automations via a shortcut.
  • Outline — Empty space displayed at bottom of outline is now a drop target.
  • Unsupported OS Alerts — Unsupported OS alert no longer presents on every app launch.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could be triggered by Omni Automation scripts which focus on a folder.

OmniFocus for iOS 4.3

June 5, 2024

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16, watchOS 9

OmniFocus 4.3 introduces support for device Focus Filters and a new Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. Additionally, this release includes a wide range of improvements and bug fixes, including new custom perspective rule comments, enhanced Apple Watch sync reliability, and improved outline behavior in a variety of contexts.

OmniFocus 4.3 for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

All Platforms

  • Device Focus Filters — In the Focus section of the Settings app, you can now configure Focus Filters for OmniFocus to limit which folders are visible when a device Focus is enabled. Note that when a device Focus is applied in this way, it’s no longer possible to use the custom Focus feature in OmniFocus Pro until you exit the device Focus. (OmniFocus Focus Filters require macOS 14, iOS 17, or iPadOS 17. Support for device Focus is not available in visionOS at this point in time.)
  • Shortcuts — New Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. With this shortcut, you can change your favorite perspectives based on your device focus or by using a Siri command. (Shortcut requires macOS 14, iOS 17, or iPadOS 17.)
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — You can now intersperse comments among your perspective rules.
  • Clean Up — Selected items now immediately clean up when removed from current view via drag & drop or a key command.
  • Forecast Calendars — Calendar events are now enabled by default in Forecast on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro, matching the default behavior on Mac.
  • Import — Choosing to skip syncing during setup now offers to import data from previous versions of OmniFocus.
  • Inspector — Updated Inspector layout code to be better shared cross-platform, including some visual changes for cross-platform consistency.
  • Localizations — Localization updates.
  • Outline — Improved overall stability/reliability of outline order when editing.
  • Review — Review now supports filtering by availability.
  • Sync — Provide more context in the encryption passphrase prompt.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — The correct tag is now assigned when adding an action to a custom perspective which groups actions by tag but doesn’t sort them in Tags Order.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Addressed a bug that could cause manually sorted custom perspectives to temporarily reorder after assigning a tag to an item.
  • Custom Perspectives [Pro] — When a perspective is grouped, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.
  • Forecast — Improved flexible Forecast order logic when both “Preserve Hierarchy” and “Keep Sorted” are enabled.
  • Forecast — Indenting an item in Forecast no longer causes temporary duplicate display of that item.
  • Inbox — Fixed a bug that could cause Inbox items to reorder unexpectedly.
  • Outline — Fixed a bug where items in the Inbox could not be reordered in the Projects perspective the way they could be in the Inbox perspective.
  • Quick Open — Fixed a bug where using Quick Open to find a project or folder would fail to select that target in the sidebar when the window was focused.
  • Sidebar — Fixed a bug that could cause content displayed in the outline to fall out of sync with the selection in the sidebar.
  • Sync — Prevented a rare sync conflict that could be encountered when a device syncs changes while edits are in progress.
  • TaskPaper — Default defer/due times are now respected when pasting TaskPaper items that only have a date.
  • TaskPaper — The current year is now assumed when TaskPaper items include partial dates.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when a perspective with a date-based filter rule refreshes its reference date.

iPhone and iPad

  • Outline — Outline content is no longer pinned to bottom of the screen when scrolling.
  • Outline — Note icons now float towards the trailing edge of the row (where they’re more likely to align with other note icons) rather than being placed adjacent to the title text.
  • Widgets — The small Forecast widget for the Lock Screen now counts items that are due soon as well as those that are overdue. For customers who prefer to count only overdue items, we’ve added a separate Overdue widget.
  • Expansion State — Fixed a bug that could cause collapsed parent items in the sidebar and outline to be incorrectly displayed as expanded.
  • Forecast — Fixed a bug that could cause calendar events to disappear when scrolling.
  • Keyboard — Worked around a system bug where pressing the Tab key immediately after opening the app would cause the Tab key to repeat until the Tab key was pressed again. (Note: this system bug still happens when pressing an arrow key; press that arrow key again to make it stop.)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts List — Fixed a bug where some keyboard shortcuts weren’t being displayed when holding down the Command key.
  • Outline — All four corners of row selection highlight are once again rounded.
  • Outline — Attachments can now be deleted from notes in the outline.
  • Outline — Fixed a bug where section headers were followed by extra whitespace.
  • Performance — Very large image attachments no longer negatively impact performance.
  • Select Mode — Addressed incorrect row spacing that could occur when scrolling with Select Mode enabled.
  • Sharing — The Share sheet now presents when in Select/Edit mode in the Sidebar.
  • Sync — Improved logic for dismissing prompts for the sync password or encryption passphrase.
  • Sync — Sync prompts will no longer dismiss other presented dialogs. This is especially helpful when using the Replace Sync Data dialog to recover from an unknown sync encryption passphrase. It also fixes an issue where Settings would think it was already on screen and would therefore refuse to open.
  • VoiceOver — Search results for a Here scoped search are now accessible to VoiceOver.
  • VoiceOver — Focus is now always placed immediately in the title field when the “Edit in Inspector” VoiceOver action is invoked.
  • VoiceOver — Estimated Duration units are now read correctly by VoiceOver.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash in Settings > Backups when the database is unavailable.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash in Settings > Automation > Reminders Capture when a calendar disappears.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash in Settings > Delete Old Items.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash encountered when Share to OmniFocus fails.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to integrate sync changes.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash triggered by Omni Automation plug-ins which filter a not-yet-visible form.
  • Stability [iPhone] — Addressed a crash that could occur when swiping between the outline and the sidebar, or when rapidly tapping on a perspective in the Perspectives Bar.

Apple Watch

  • Note Indicator — Items now indicate when they have a note or attachment.
  • Complications — The Forecast complication now counts items that are due soon as well as those that are overdue. For customers who prefer to count only overdue items, we’ve added a separate Overdue complication.
  • Complications — Adjusted the size of the icons in corner complications.
  • Complications — Use a consistently tinted color for the Forecast and Forecast Items complications.
  • Sync — When a paired iPhone is nearby, the watch app will now download recent changes from that iPhone prior to syncing with the sync server. This makes syncing faster and more reliable when the watch doesn’t have a fast connection to the sync server.
  • Sync — The watch app now attempts to sync automatically whenever it detects that the iPhone app has newer data.
  • Sync — Sync errors are now automatically resolved by the watch app.
  • Complications — Corner complications now display “No Items” when there are no items to display.
  • Complications — Improved the reliability of watch complications.

OmniFocus for iOS 4.2.2

May 8, 2024

Requires iOS/iPadOS 16, watchOS 9

OmniFocus 4.2.2 for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

  • Stability — Addressed a crash that could occur when swiping between outline and sidebar or rapidly tapping on a Perspectives Bar tab.