OmniFocus for iPhone 2.19.1

May 1, 2017

Requires iOS 10

OmniFocus 2.19.1 fixes bugs:

  • Attachments — When viewing from Settings and sorting by Added, the added date is now displayed correctly.
  • Sync — Fixed a problem where OmniFocus didn’t recognize that an error returned by NGINX (that OmniFocus’ data/ directory hadn’t been created yet) was recoverable. OmniFocus should once again be able to sync to NGINX WebDAV servers without a workaround.
  • Crash — Fixed a crash with attachment preview generation that was the eventual result of a transient bug during our 2.19 test period.
  • Crash — Fixed our most common crash in OmniFocus 2.x.
  • Sync Errors — Updated the error message that appears when OmniFocus is unable to overwrite one of its own files on the server. This is a problem currently affecting customers syncing using Jianguoyun (坚果云).
  • Sync Settings — OmniFocus now warns you about possible data loss when disabling sync.
  • Localizations — Updated Localizations.

OmniFocus for iOS 2.19.1

May 1, 2017

Requires iOS 10

OmniFocus 2.19.1 fixes bugs:

  • Attachments — When viewing from Settings and sorting by Added, the added date is now displayed correctly.
  • Sync — Fixed a problem where OmniFocus didn’t recognize that an error returned by NGINX (that OmniFocus’ data/ directory hadn’t been created yet) was recoverable. OmniFocus should once again be able to sync to NGINX WebDAV servers without a workaround.
  • Crash — Fixed a crash with attachment preview generation that was the eventual result of a transient bug during our 2.19 test period.
  • Crash — Fixed our most common crash in OmniFocus 2.x.
  • Sync Errors — Updated the error message that appears when OmniFocus is unable to overwrite one of its own files on the server. This is a problem currently affecting customers syncing using Jianguoyun (坚果云).
  • Sync Settings — OmniFocus now warns you about possible data loss when disabling sync.
  • Localizations — Updated Localizations.

OmniFocus for iOS 2.19

April 11, 2017

Requires iOS 10

OmniFocus 2.19 introduces a new attachment storage and sync system. To migrate to the new system you’ll need to be running OmniFocus 2.19 or later on all of your iOS devices and OmniFocus 2.9 or later on all of your Macs. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new system, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.

  • Attachments — Starting with v2.19 (iOS) and 2.9 (Mac), OmniFocus stores attachments separately from the items that contain them, resulting in improved performance and storage efficiency. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new attachments, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.
  • Attachments List — A new Attachments row is availabe in Settings, where you can view all of your attachments in the same place (sorted by date added or size), quickly get to the item(s) that reference them, and remove attachments you no longer need.
  • Sync — OmniFocus now handles the DAV 207 multi-status responses returned by NGINX in its default configuration with the nginx-extras APT package.
  • Device List — Added information to the list in Sync Settings to make it easier to tell which of your devices are connected.
  • Encryption — We now offer to immediately re-upload and re-encrypt your database when you change your encryption passphrase.
  • Settings — Added a > to the Clean Database row (this row is visible only when your database contains a large number of completed items) so that it’s clearer that another screen will tell you what the feature actually does.
  • Localizations — Updated Localizations.

OmniFocus for Mac 2.9

April 11, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

OmniFocus 2.9 introduces a new attachment storage and sync system. To migrate to the new system you’ll need to be running OmniFocus 2.19 or later on all of your iOS devices and OmniFocus 2.9 or later on all of your Macs. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new system, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.

  • Attachments — Starting with v2.19 (iOS) and 2.9 (Mac), OmniFocus stores attachments separately from the items that contain them, resulting in improved performance and storage efficiency. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new attachments, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.
  • Attachment List — The Attachment List window now groups multiple items that reference the same file and provides buttons to easily go to an item.
  • Completed Perspective — This perspective no longer shows a group of “Not yet completed” items.
  • Repeats — Prevented a crash when importing an item with a repeat rule that OmniFocus doesn’t understand.
  • Software Update — Fixed a problem where you might receive “CFErrorDomainLaunchd error 4” when trying to update OmniFocus from within the app.
  • Sync Preferences — Fixed a problem where the Unregister button for sync clients was active with no selection in the client list (and unregistered the first client in the list).
  • Sync — OmniFocus now handles the DAV 207 multi-status responses returned by NGINX in its default configuration with the nginx-extras APT package.
  • Device List — Added the OmniFocus version of the listed device as a tooltip both in the Device List in Preferences and during the database migration flow.
  • Documentation — Updated the in-app Help.
  • Encryption — We now offer to immediately re-upload and re-encrypt your database when you change your encryption passphrase.
  • Future Database Formats — Improved the error message you’ll see when OmniFocus tries to open a database from a later version.
  • Localizations — Updated Localizations.

OmniFocus for iPhone 2.19

April 5, 2017

Requires iOS 10

OmniFocus 2.19 introduces a new attachment storage and sync system. To migrate to the new system you’ll need to be running OmniFocus 2.19 or later on all of your iOS devices and OmniFocus 2.9 or later on all of your Macs. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new system, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.

  • Attachments — Starting with v2.19 (iOS) and 2.9 (Mac), OmniFocus stores attachments separately from the items that contain them, resulting in improved performance and storage efficiency. Once all of your syncing devices are running a version that supports the new attachments, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database.
  • Attachments List — A new Attachments row is availabe in Settings, where you can view all of your attachments in the same place (sorted by date added or size), quickly get to the item(s) that reference them, and remove attachments you no longer need.
  • Sync — OmniFocus now handles the DAV 207 multi-status responses returned by NGINX in its default configuration with the nginx-extras APT package.
  • Device List — Added information to the list in Sync Settings to make it easier to tell which of your devices are connected.
  • Encryption — We now offer to immediately re-upload and re-encrypt your database when you change your encryption passphrase.
  • Settings — Added a > to the Clean Database row (this row is visible only when your database contains a large number of completed items) so that it’s clearer that another screen will tell you what the feature actually does.
  • Localizations — Updated Localizations.