Release Notes:

OmniOutliner for Mac

What's New, Updated, or Fixed in This Release

Recent Changes

Version 4.6 - Monday, August 29, 2016

OmniOutliner 4.6 is a major update adding an announcement feature and offers improved compatibility with future OS updates.

  • Announcements — In-app announcement feature to display notifications from The Omni Group. This feature will only be used to inform users of important information: when a new major version has been released, for example, or if action is required to prevent data loss.
  • Localizations — Localized help manuals are now bundled with the app.
  • Exports — The docx export will now set the note style to the Whole Document font when one has not been specified for Notes.
  • Exports — Fixed a couple bugs dealing with empty cells for the Plain Text (with tabs) exporter.