Testing the OmniFocus integration of SiriKit on iOS 11

We just recently started our TestFlight of OmniFocus 2.21—you can still sign up!—that includes iOS 11-only features: Drag and Drop and SiriKit support. So far, so good! Here’s a bit more about how SiriKit and OmniFocus will play together.

You can now access OmniFocus data directly from Siri. Siri doesn’t yet know about the OmniFocus database structure, so both Projects and Contexts are represented as “Lists”. Here are some example phrases for you to try:

Item Creation:

  • “Add a task named foo in OmniFocus”
  • “Remind me about foo at 5 PM in OmniFocus”
  • “Add foo to my bar list in OmniFocus”
  • “Remind me about foo when I get home in OmniFocus” (requires the location to match an existing context and opens OmniFocus to complete)
  • “Create a list called foo in OmniFocus” (always creates a project)

Marking Items Complete:

  • “Mark foo as complete in OmniFocus”


  • “What lists do I have in OmniFocus?”
  • “Show me the foo list in OmniFocus”
  • “What lists did I create today in OmniFocus?”
  • “What lists are completed in OmniFocus?”

Have the Developer or Public Beta installed on a device and want to help test out these new features? Sign up here. Same goes for Drag and Drop. How’s it working for you?